

Legal Notices

Au Petit Bois Vert

SARL MARTIN BIER BAR · Siren : 391 535 168 00044
2 quai de la Bruche, 67000 Strasbourg
Tel : 03 88 32 66 32 · Email : contact@aupetitboisvert.fr

Hébergeur du site internet :

OVH · OVH RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
OVH SAS est une filiale de la société OVH Groupe SAS, société immatriculée au RCS de Lille sous le numéro 537 407 926 sise 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.


Our website uses cookies to track visits. This allows us to improve our website. These data are anonymized, so we do not process any personal data. They are not shared with third parties. We use Matomo analysis tools. You can learn more on their website.

  • If you select the button "I understand" from our cookie banner, you accept that your visits will be anonymously tracked. Thank you very much, you're helping us to improve our website.

  • If you click the button "I disagree" from our cookie banner, your visits will not be followed.

  • If you have activated a non-tracking option on your browser, or if you use a third-party non-tracking application, your visits will not be followed.

  • If you have not activated this option, but still wish not to be followed anonymously, you can do so using the following form:


If you book a table from our website, by clicking on the "book" button and filling out the attached form, your data will be saved to process your reservation (confirmation, modification, reminder and notice), so that we can contact you by newsletter if you have accepted it, be able to improve our service and communicate.

  • This data will be shared with our partner Zenchef. You can consult Zenchef's privacy policy on their website.


If you agree to communicate your data to subscribe to our newsletter, it will be shared with our partner Mailchimp. This data consists of your email address, first and last name, reception preference and interests. Other data, such as your approximate location, your registration date and your language are also recorded automatically. These data allow us to send you newsletters, to tell you about the news of our restaurant and keep you informed of our offers and events. They also allow us to personalize these emails.

  • You can find out more about Mailchimp's privacy policy on their website.
  • If you are registered, you can modify your informations by following links at the end of the emails we send you.
  • You can also unsubscribe from our mailing list.
  • Otherwise, you can subscribe to our newsletter to hear about us!

Data conservation

The data linked to these different services are only kept for the time necessary to achieve the objectives pursued. Like reserving a table at our restaurant or sending you a newsletter.

You can at any time request the modification or deletion of data concerning you, either by contacting the service providers concerned (Zenchef and Mailchimp), or by sending us an email to: contact@aupetitboisvert.fr.